Vanquish Flex UHPLC 采用完全生物相容的流路并具有法规依从,值得信赖。 在生物制药蛋白的分析中,保留时间的稳定性、灵敏度和不同色谱柱的分离效率方面均达到无与伦比的性能。 通过与市场领先的质谱法、荧光法及电喷雾检测法的无缝整合,实现多功能性。采用 AppsLab 和免安装工作的ViperTM 配件,提供操作简单、随手可用的一键式工作流程,让操作更加简单。
Vanquish UHPLC 系统:最适于在UHPLC 柱温箱中满足所有需求
The required technique to control the actual separation temperature is often underestimated and, in many cases, not well understood in UHPLC. Thermostatting has to be effective, but must not compromise the achievable column efficiency. On the other hand, it is very important to account for successful method transfer between different instruments. The Vanquish UHPLC system provides an entirely new and unique combination of active eluent pre-heating and advanced column thermostatting modes.
下载Vanquish UHPLC 系统:溶剂输送技术如何提高色谱峰值鉴定和定量分析的置信度
下载Vanquish UHPLC 系统:溶剂输送技术如何提高色谱峰值鉴定和定量分析的置信度
With the higher pressure capabilities of the Vanquish UHPLC system, the use of very long columns and column chains with sub-2 micron particles are no longer a challenge. Thus peak capacities beyond the common UHPLC range are now achievable, and even more complex matrices can be resolved. Additionally, this enhances requirements for reliable peak identification, with regards to higher retention time reproducibility, to maintain the level of data quality.
Each good chromatographer wants to implement proper temperature control. For this purpose, column thermostats have evolved from simple units just providing a fixed temperature to high-tech devices. Elevated temperatures, well above the boiling point of the mobile phase, become more and more applied. Consequently, mobile phase pre-heating prior to entering the column as well as post-column mobile phase cooling prior to entering the detector becomes mandatory. In addition, viscous heating is a much discussed topic in Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC). When pressures increase to values far above 400 bar, friction between column and mobile phase generates high amounts of viscous heat and, thereby, an additional temperature increase inside the column.
Liquid chromatography plays an extremely important part in the development and production of biotherapeutic drugs. From separation of large quantities of antibodies in cell culture media to minute quantities of product from biological fluids during clinical studies, there is a growing need to be able to separate and measure these substances. The Russian botanist Mikhail Tsvet is considered to have invented the chromatographic technique (link to Lab Manager article) when he reported separations of different plant pigments into a series of colored bands on a packed column (see image below). He called this technique chromatography. HPLC became popular in the 1960s and 1970s, with UHPLC becoming popular in the 1990s. A clue as to the longevity of the technique is that the HPLC meeting (link to 2015 conference) is now in its 42nd year!
It’s well known that biotherapeutic drugs (also known as biologics) are more difficult to produce consistently than our old friends, small molecule drugs. And, manufacturers spend untold amounts of money trying to make sure that each batch of biologics not only performs exactly the same way but also meets the strict regulatory requirements for consistency. By the way, here is a very informative 9-min video by Professor DeMasi at MCPHS University, Boston (USA), titled, Therapeutic Applications of Monoclonal Antibodies, that is worth a watch.
在线阅读为生物制药量身打造:用于表征生物制药的先进 UHPLC
观看为生物制药量身打造:用于表征生物制药的先进 UHPLC
In this webinar, we will discuss the development of LC methods that are optimized to meet the requirements of modern biotherapeutics characterization labs.
Antibodies are an attractive choice as therapeutics for a number of reasons such as their antigen specificity, modes of action and their difficulty to be easily copied when coming off patent. Our own immune system has yielded us a powerful weapon which we can utilise to fight disease. However, as we produce these antibody therapeutics in vitro we bypass the immune systems careful in vivo control mechanisms to ensure antibody efficacy and safety. Therefore there are strict requirements to fully and comprehensively characterise antibody therapeutics to certify no changes to the antibody have occurred during its production which could affect its function. In this webinar, we shall look deeper in to antibodies themselves, how they develop, their structure, functions and modes of action. Why antibodies are such powerful biopharmaceuticals and how they are currently being utilised will also be discussed with relevant examples. This first section of the webinar will end with an overview of potential modifications that can occur to an antibody and the effects they have.
With the current market value for biopharmaceuticals standing at more than $150 billion (1), the need for higher throughput, more in-depth characterisation techniques for biologics is accentuated. Can recent technological advances in UHPLC meet the practical and regulatory requirements of the biotherapeutic development chain?
下载AppsLab Library – 生物制药方法
了解更多AppsLab Library – 生物制药方法
The AppsLab Library of Analytical Applications is a fully searchable online, analytical method repository where you can find applications with detailed method information, chromatograms and related compound information. All the information needed to run, process and report the analysis is available in ready-to-use eWorkflows.
我们推荐 MAbPac SEC-1色谱柱, 该色谱柱 填充粒径为 5μm 的超纯多孔球形硅胶 , 有多种柱长可供选择。
Vanquish Flex UHPLC 可在非变性条件下和高盐流动相中实现高灵敏度、高分离度的 SEC分离。
采用 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Chromeleon™ CDS 执行简便、合规的数据管理和报告。
使用 MAbPac SEC 色谱柱实现对曲妥单抗单体和聚集体的基线分离。
聚集体筛查需使用高效、灵活的 UHPLC。但色谱柱选择也在该工作流程中起重要作用。MAbPac SEC色谱柱 具有专利的亲水键合层,可最大限度减少生物分子与固定相之间的次级相互作用。具有生物兼容性的 PEEK 外壳可消除来自色谱柱硬件的金属杂质的干扰。
使用挥发性缓冲液的 SEC-MS,用于生物制药中的表征。 HIC 为 SEC 的辅助、确证工具,通常用于 mAb 聚合物的分析。 “超”生物治疗药物表征聚糖
GlycanPac 色谱柱具有创新性的混合模式,键合弱阴离子交换(WAX)和反相(RP)或疏水作用液相色谱(HILIC)键合相。在选用 GlycanPac AXR-1色谱柱 时,可基于电荷、分子大小及异构化情况进行聚糖分离。
Vanquish Flex UHPLC 系统配荧光检测器,可检测浓度最低的标记聚糖;若配有 CAD 检测器,则非常适合非标记聚糖的检测。
适用于聚糖蛋白表征的 MS 技术应具有高分辨率、精确质量(HRAM),适用于定量和结构分析。
使用 GlycanPac AXR-1 色谱柱对胎球蛋白 N-聚糖的 6 次重复分离。
使用 GlycanPac AXH-1 的 UHPLC CAD 检测器对胎球蛋白 O-天然聚糖进行分析。
采用 FLD 检测器对标记聚糖进行检测的方法已日趋成熟。色谱图(A)显示了使用FLD检测 N-聚糖。不过,还需检测非标记聚糖。上述 Vanquish Flex UHPLC 电雾式检测器(CAD)具有一致的分析响应(不受化学结构影响)和四个数量级的动态范围,可在无发色团的条件下进行非标记检测。色谱图(B)显示非标记 O-聚糖的 CAD 数据。
采用 UHPLC 进行非标记分析,使用电雾式检测器对基于电荷、大小及异构体的分离聚糖进行检测。 使用 Vanquish Flex UHPLC 系统对 2-氨基苯甲酰胺标记聚糖进行 UHPLC 分析 非标记 N-聚糖表征(海报) 非标记 O-聚糖表征(海报) 非标记 N-聚糖表征(海报简介)Label-free N-Glycan Profiling
In this poster brief, David Thomas describes label-free analysis and separation of N-glycans using UHPLC and charged aerosol detection (CAD). Separation of N-glycans by charge, size and isomeric structure can be achieved without convoluted labelling methodologies.
Label-free O-Glycan Profiling
In this poster brief, David Thomas describes label-free profiling of O-glycans using UHPLC and charged aerosol detection (CAD). Separation of O-glycans by charge, size and isomeric structure can be achieved without convoluted labelling methodologies.
Webinar: The Sweet Revolution in Glycan and Antibody Separations
This webinar discusses the difficulties and also the current technologies used to maximize glycan separation capabilities and structural elucidation.
Thermo Scientific™ GlycanPac™ AXR-1 LC 色谱柱 Thermo Scientific™ Accucore™ Vanquish™ C18+ UHPLC 色谱柱电荷变异体
蛋白质的电荷均一性对生物制药的结构、稳定性、亲和性及功效有着至关重要的影响。离子交换色谱法(IEX)往往采用盐梯度或 最近推出的pH 梯度进行电荷变异体的表征。
我们提供专用缓冲液试剂包,助您轻松设置 pH 梯度。
MAbPac SCX-10 是采用 IEX 对抗体及相关变体进行高分离度分离的强阳离子交换色谱柱。
Vanquish Flex UHPLC不仅能提供常规梯度,更具备提供精准陡坡梯度的能力,以其快速、稳定、可靠和两倍样品容量于其它 UHPLC 系统的能力,称雄于常规、高通量离子交换色谱分析。
采用 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Chromeleon™ CDS 执行简便、合规的数据管理和报告。
使用ProPac WCX柱监测核糖核酸酶去氨基的盐梯度色谱图
采用 Vanquish Flex UHPLC 系统对完整治疗性抗体进行反相分离 翻译后修饰的高盐梯度分析 - 脱酰胺监测
采用 Vanquish Flex UHPLC 系统对完整治疗性抗体进行反相分离 翻译后修饰的高盐梯度分析 - 脱酰胺监测 “超”生物治疗药物表征 Appslab 在线数据库 - 电荷变异体表征方法相关产品
Thermo Scientific™ pH 缓冲液 Thermo Scientific™ MAbPac™ SCX-10 LC 色谱柱肽图分析
肽图对完整蛋白(100% 序列覆盖率)进行了详细表征,我们需要使用肽图来鉴定分子结构,并确定翻译后修饰(PTM)。我们的肽图分析工作流程解决方案以 Vanquish Flex UHPLC 为核心,配有快速、可重现的消解系统和定制的肽类鉴定软件,为您提供复杂肽消解分析中所必需的高峰容量和高分离度分离。
Thermo Scientific™ SMART Digest™ 试剂包专用于消解时间 <60 min、需要快速、高灵敏度及高重现性分析的生物制药应用,适用于高通量常规工作流程。
UV 和 MS 检测均广泛用于肽图分析。UV 常用于常规环境,此处描述的工作流程即为 UV。
Acclaim RSLC 120 C18 采用金属含量极低的超纯硅胶基质,可尽量减少拖尾影响,为工作流程提供所需的尖锐、对称色谱峰,是一款优质的色谱柱。
Vanquish Flex 配高压流路,在进样前进行样品增压,可确保峰容量较高、保留时间稳定及峰面积精确,是肽图分析的理想之选。
适用于完整蛋白表征的 MS 技术应具有高分辨率、精确质量(HRAM),适用于定量和结构分析。
利妥昔单抗肽图分析试验(梯度 30、20 和 13 min)的所有离子色谱图。
具有典型裂解规律的利妥昔单抗糖肽 aa 290-302(TKPREEQFN*STFR,*=G0)MS/MS 光谱:204(HexNac)、 366(Hex-Hex-Nac)两种糖片段连接在完整肽上的裂解多糖的序列梯。
Thermo Scientific Orbitrap™ 质谱仪利用 BioPharma Finder™ 软件对质谱数据中的生物制药及其他蛋白质进行准确鉴定、深入表征及相对定量。
Reliable Results in Peptide Mapping Using the Vanquish Flex UHPLC System LC-UV-MS Peptide Mapping Development for Easy Transfer to LC-UV QA/QC High throughput Peptide Mapping by UHPLC-MS (Poster) “超”生物治疗药物表征 High throughput Peptide Mapping by UHPLC-MS (Poster Brief)High throughput Peptide Mapping by UHPLC-MS
In this poster brief, Stephane Houel, Biopharma Product Marketing Specialist, describes a high throughput peptide mapping workflow using the Thermo Scientific Vanquish UHPLC system and Thermo Scientific Q Exactive HF mass spectrometer.
Thermo Scientific™ SMART Digest™ Kit Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ RSLC 120 C18 LC Column完整蛋白质量
我们需要对生物制药蛋白进行完整的表征,特别是当其它技术可能无法检测出某些结构信息(如异构体)时。这种表征对于某些新兴生物制药类别(如抗体药物偶联物)也很重要。我们的 MAbPac™ HIC 色谱柱系列可在数分钟内完成 DAR 鉴定,特别适合 ADC 药物表征。
mab 和 ADC 药物需要全面表征,包括糖型、高级结构及 PTM。
MAbPac™ RP 采用疏水性超大孔 4μm 聚合颗粒,是一款新型反相色谱柱,非常适合极低残留蛋白分子的高效分离。
UHPLC 是用于高阶结构和多余干扰分离的技术,性能卓越。
适用于完整蛋白表征的 MS 技术应具有高分辨率、精确质量(HRAM),适用于定量和结构分析。
100 ng mAb 利妥昔单抗的质谱分析。(A)采用 Thermo Scientific MSPac™ DS-10 脱盐柱的 LC 色谱图和(B)反卷积光谱和带注释的糖型。
Vanquish Flex UHPLC 系统可轻松连接所有 Thermo Scientific™ 质谱仪(包括金标准 Orbitrap 质谱分析仪)。例如,Thermo Scientific Q Exactive™ 系列除具备完整蛋白表征所需的 HRAM 功能外,还可提供精确的聚糖谱分析。
蛋白质分离的重现性与分离度、灵敏度同等重要。Vanquish Flex UHPLC 系统具有卓越的分离重现性,给您所需要的信心。
翻译后修饰的高盐梯度分析 - 脱酰胺监测 配挥发性缓冲液的 SEC-MS(用于生物制药表征) 采用 Vanquish Flex UHPLC 系统对完整治疗性抗体进行反相分离 完整单克隆抗体的高温、高通量反相分离 采用 LC-MS 分析用反相脱盐柱进行 Mab 的快速在线脱盐 柱温对完整抗体的反相色谱分析的影响 Appslab 在线数据库 - 完整质谱法相关产品
Thermo Scientific™ MAbPac™ RP 色谱柱 Thermo Scientific™ MSPac™ DS-10 脱盐柱 Thermo Scientific™ MSPac™ DS-10 Desalter Cartridge索取报价单